Lead Kindness
Imagining a world where kindness is the key to success, where everyone pays it forward and people look out for each other.
Inspiration For many: Akhila B S victory over adversity
Hailing From Thiruvananthapuram, this is a story of 29 year old Akhila who became an IAS officer and also pursued MA from IIT Madras. Akhila
Salute those who’ve stepped up!
Essential workers are taking on for the team and putting themselves and their families at risk. They are working in hospitals, delivering...
Adopt don’t shop!
Ever since there has been news that animals can have the coronavirus, people have been leaving their pets out onto the streets to fend...
Take the time to change your life!
In the midst of all this negativity, this pandemic has shown us all how the world can change in just a few months. The larger narrative...
Keep safe, keep your community safe!
Even though we are all home and quarantined from the outside world, we are all still exposed to the virus in some way or another. This...
How can you make a difference from the comfort of your own home!
Whether you believe in Karma, the act of giving or to simply be kind to those around you- one can always find ways to give back to their...
Not everyone has a safe home.
The United Nations Chief - Antonio Guterres brought to light what was called a “ horrifying global surge in domestic violence” which has...
We only have one home...
As the world has come to a standstill due to COVID-19, we have all been affected in one way or another. This can be seen with migrant...
Small businesses are the way to go!
It’s no surprise the economy has taken a hit during these turbulent times and the government has implemented a stimulus package which...
Stuck in a rut, do not fret!
The times we are in right now are no doubt scary and saddening. Having said that, you are doing your part by staying home to flatten the...
Normalcy and productivity
As the world has been flipped on top of its head and we are all adjusting to this temporary lockdown in our homes- one seems too long for...
• A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN NEED "A friend in need is a friend in deed", this is a quote from which we are familiar since our...
Humanity First Foundation gives Upma daily at government hospitals every day
Recently India has surpassed the toll of coronavirus cases in China and now stands at 90,927 confirmed cases and 2872 deaths and 311k...
Doctors For You Procuring PPE kits for health workers.
As of May 6, 2020, around 548 doctors, nurses, and paramedics across the country are tested positive for corona virus. Still, many health...
Voice Of Slums distributes Ration Kits to Slum children
After the lockdown, there is an exponential increase in the unemployment rate. India is home to the largest population of slum children...
Sulakshya Seva Samithi distributing Safe Energy kits
Santhosh Manduva,founder of Warangal-based Sulakshya Seva Samithi, is collaborating with Oasis Orphanage in distributing dry ration kits...