Lead kindnessSalute those who’ve stepped up!Essential workers are taking on for the team and putting themselves and their families at risk. They are working in hospitals, delivering...
Lead kindnessAdopt don’t shop!Ever since there has been news that animals can have the coronavirus, people have been leaving their pets out onto the streets to fend...
Lead kindnessTake the time to change your life!In the midst of all this negativity, this pandemic has shown us all how the world can change in just a few months. The larger narrative...
Lead kindnessKeep safe, keep your community safe!Even though we are all home and quarantined from the outside world, we are all still exposed to the virus in some way or another. This...
Lead kindnessWe only have one home...As the world has come to a standstill due to COVID-19, we have all been affected in one way or another. This can be seen with migrant...
Lead kindnessSmall businesses are the way to go!It’s no surprise the economy has taken a hit during these turbulent times and the government has implemented a stimulus package which...
Lead kindnessPanchkula Police surprises Karan on his Birthday..Police officers who are not even getting enough time to have their meal peacefully are putting all their efforts to protect us. We relate...
Lead kindnessInteview with Nirbhed FoundationNirbhed foundation , an all India jurisdiction non-government organization established in 2015, is a team of young professional...
LeadKindnessNotice a kid being well-behaved? – Tell their parents how good they are while the kid is standing
LeadKindnessWhen you hear that negative, discouraging voice in your head, remember to leave yourself alone
LeadKindnessOrganise a group of friends to do yard work for a neighbour who is unable to do it themselves
LeadKindnessWhen everyone around you is gossiping about someone, be the one to butt in with something nice.